Here is a guide on how to get started with the Cornix bot:
1. Start a conversation with the bot by searching for @cornix_trading_bot in the search box and pressing the Start button or click on the Follow button that is attached to a signal that was posted in one of your groups.
2. Enable notifications by clicking the Enable Notifications button, it will redirect you to the @cornix_notifications_bot and then simply click Start at the bottom.
3. Go back to @cornix_trading_bot.
4. Click the New Client button in order to connect your trading account to the bot.
5. You'll be asked to choose a channel you want to subscribe to. You'll see there a list of channels that you're member of and supported by Cornix. See the full list on
6. Choose to enable the auto trading for this channel.
7. Go to Bot Configuration > Trading > client name > General > Amount per Trade and choose the amount you want per each trade the bot will open automatically (by default it's 5%).