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Entry Ratios Strategy - Built-in

Entry Strategies explained

Updated over a month ago

The entry strategy will determine how the amount will be divided between the entry targets by default when creating a trade automatically.

When using the Built-in Entry Strategies, the bot will offer the following options:

Let's review the options:

  • Evenly Divided
    This is the default option when you first open this section as can be seen in the top message, so you will not see this option as one of the offered option.
    When using this option, the bot will evenly divide the trade amount between the different entry targets.
    For example, when creating a trade with 4 entry targets, the bot will place 25% of the trade amount in each entry target.

  • One Target
    The bot will place 100% of the amount in the first entry target (the other targets will have 0%).

  • Two Targets
    The bot will divide the trade amount equally between the first two entry targets, so each of the first two targets will contain 50% of the trade amount.

  • Three Targets
    The bot will divide the trade amount equally between the first three entry targets, so each of the first three targets will contain 33.33% of the trade amount.

  • Fifty On First Target
    The bot will place 50% of the trade amount on the first entry target, and will divide the other 50% equally among the remaining entry targets.

  • Decreasing Exponential
    In this strategy, starting from the entry target with the highest price, each target will have half the amount as the previous entry target, such that the first target has the largest percentage of the trade amount and the last target has the smallest percentage. The amount percentages will be divided in a way such that their sum will still equal 100%.
    For example, when 4 entry targets are defined the first entry target with the highest price will have 53.333% of the trade amount, the second target will have 26.666% (half the amount of the previous target), the third target will have 13.333% and the last entry target with the lowest price will have 6.666% of the trade amount.

  • Increasing Exponential
    In this strategy, starting from the entry target with the highest price, each target will have twice the amount as the previous entry target, such that the first target has the smallest percentage of the trade amount and the last target has the largest percentage. The amount percentages will be divided in a way such that their sum will still equal 100%.
    For example, when 4 entry targets are defined the first entry target with the highest price will have 6.666% of the amount, the second target will have 13.333% (twice the amount of the previous target), the third target will have 26.666% and the last entry target with the lowest price will have 53.333% of the trade amount.

  • Skip First
    The bot will place 0% of the trade on the first entry target, and will evenly divide the trade amount between the other entry targets.

Entry Zone Signals

When the signal is defined with an entry zone instead of specific entry targets, the bot will still take the entry strategy that's set on your Entry Configuration.

How will the bot set the prices for the Entry Zone?

For example, if the entry zone is defined as 1000-2000 and the default number of entry targets is 5, then the targets prices will be 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750 and 2000.
However, if by default there is only 1 entry it will be placed at the top of the entry zone, at 2000.
The bot will use the entry strategy to determine how to divide the trade amount between the defined number of entry targets.

Note that the default number of entry targets is 4.

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