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Amount per Trade

Options to determine the potential investment in each trade

Dor avatar
Written by Dor
Updated over 11 months ago

How to set your Amount per trade configuration using the Cornix Telegram bot:

Bot's Main Menu > Bot Configuration > Trading > Client name > General > Amount per Trade

The amount per trade configuration will determine the amount that will be invested in each trade.

The Amount per Trade can be configured based on one of the following options:

Percentage *

The percentage option will take a flat-out percentage out of your account's both available and open trades amount of the coin/contract that you are buying with.

For example, let's say you have a portfolio of 1 ETH and 1000 USDT (500 available USDT and 500 USDT in use in open trades).

If you open a trade for a pair in which USDT is the coin that you will buy with and choose to use a 10% amount per trade, then the bot will open a trade in size of 100 USDT (10% out of your total USDT portfolio amounts - both available and in use in open trades).

Risk Percentage

Risk Percentage will enable you to use, in each trade, the amount you are willing to risk out of the traded coin portfolio value. If you hit your stop-loss, you will lose the amount that is equal to the percentage that you chose to risk out of your traded pair portfolio value. This method can be used for effective risk management.

It takes into consideration the potential loss of the trade (the distance from the entry price to the stop-loss price), then calculates the number of coins\contracts to be used in the trade.

Position size calculation using the Risk Percentage is as follows:

  • Risk % = The chosen percentage to be configured on the Risk Percentage Amount per Trade.

  • Trade's Potential Loss % = (Entry Price - Stop Loss Price)/Entry Price.

    • The entry Price will be calculated based on the weighted average when more than one entry applies.

  • Portfolio Size refers to the specific pair traded in the trade. For example, for a USDT pair, the calculation will take into consideration the amount of USDT in the portfolio.

  • In case the trade doesn't consist of a Stop Loss, the position size will be the flat-out percentage out of your account's both available and open trades amounts of the coin/contract that you are buying with.

  • Please consider this: the calculation relates only to the stop order trigger and not to the actual market or limit order initiated after the stop triggers, which means that the actual amount can differ. The reason is that only the stop (trigger) is known when opening the trade.

If the desired position size based on the above calculation will result in an amount that is higher than your available amount, then the trade will open with a position size of the available amount.

Fixed BTC Amount *

The amount to be used per trade will be equivalent to the BTC amount you choose (in the coin/contracts you are buying with).

For example, let's say you create a trade for LTC/USDT and you choose to use 1 BTC then the bot will open a trade of size X USDT that is equal to 1 BTC.

Fixed USD Amount *

The amount to be used per trade will be equivalent to the USD amount you choose (in the coin/contracts you are buying with).

For example, let's say you create a trade for LTC/BTC and you choose to use 100 USD then the bot will open a trade of size X BTC that is equal to 100 USD.

* Leverage - In margin exchanges, the position size will be about the amount per trade multiplied by the leverage unless it's mentioned it's a "Leveraged Margin".

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