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Close Trade

Understanding the Options to Close a Trade

Updated over a month ago

On the "Trades" page, you can manage your trades. When on the "Open Trades" tab, you can follow your trades progress, share results, edit targets and configurations, close trades manually etc.

The Close Trade button, allows you to manually close an open trade. Depending on the status of your trade, different options will be available:

Closing a Trade Before Any Target is Fulfilled

If no entry or target has been fulfilled, you will have only one option: Close Trade.

  • Close Trade: This option cancels all active trade orders without making any changes to your portfolio. The funds will remain in their original state as before the trade was initiated.

Closing a Trade After at Least One Entry Has Been Filled

If the trade has already filled at least one entry target, you will have two or three options to choose from, depending if you're using the Telegram Bot or the Web Dashboard:

​Web Dashboard:

  1. Sell coins at current price
    This option will close all open trade orders and immediately sell the trade's current position back into the base currency (e.g., USDT, BTC) at the market price.

  2. Keep coins
    This option cancels all open orders but keeps the already purchased coins in your wallet instead of selling them. In this case the trade will appear as closed in Cornix, and an open position will still be visible on the exchange.
    *You can also track this position under "Portfolio > Assets"

    Note: If you're using the Telegram Bot to close your trades, a third option will be available:

  3. Close Trade (Activate Trailing on Remaining Coins)
    This option cancels all open orders and closes the original trade. Then, a new trade will be created with a trailing sell order at a specified percentage. When the trailing sell condition is met, the coin will be sold back into the base currency.

Each option provides flexibility depending on your trading strategy. Make sure to choose the one that aligns with your goals and risk management plan.

If you are using the Mobile App, make sure to visit this article for more elaborated details on how to close your trade through the App

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