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Edit Trade Orders and Amount
Dor avatar
Written by Dor
Updated over 7 months ago

To edit a trade amount or orders, you first need to enter the edit mode. There are multiple ways to enter the edit mode for a trade:

1. Click on the "Edit orders" button when expanding a trade card in the Trades page.


2. Click on the Edit button on the top right corner of the screen while viewing one of the "General", "Timeline" or "Orders" tabs in a trade details page.


3. Long press on the order you wish to edit which will open the order edit modal and will also activate the trade edit mode so you can edit other orders.


Once in the edit mode, you will see an ellipsis button on the top right corner of each editable order.

Please note that you will only be able to edit orders that are not fulfilled or cancelled. Orders that are not editable will not show the ellipsis button and performing a long press on them will not enter the edit mode.

To edit a specific order, click on the ellipsis button on the top right corner on the order you wish to edit.


Once opened, the edit menu will look as follows:


Edit order

Clicking the Edit button will open the order edit modal. In this modal, you will be able to change the order price. For entry orders, you will also be able to edit the amount that will be used for the entry order. For take-profit orders, you will be able to edit the ratio of the order. For stop orders, only the price will be editable, since the stop will always cover 100% of the trade amount.


Please make sure to insert a valid price and amount according to the messages shown in the modal.

Cancel order

Clicking the Cancel button will remove the order from the trade without redistribution.

Entry orders - Cancelling entry orders will decrease the total amount allocated for the trade by the order amount. For take-profit orders.

Take-profit orders - Cancelling a take-profit order will decrease the total amount that will be used for the take-profit targets in the trade and might mean that some of the allocated amount to the trade will be left in the exchange account when the trade closes.

Stop orders - Cancelling the stop order will remove the stop order from the trade completely and will leave the trade without any active stop-loss order. Please note that if you have an active trailing stop configuration, the stop order will be reactivated once the next take-profit target is achieved per you trailing stop configuration.

Cancel and redistribute order

Clicking the Cancel and redistribute button will remove the order from the trade with redistribution to the other orders of the same type. This option is not available for stop orders since we currently only allow one stop order per trade.

Entry orders - Cancelling and redistributing an entry order will cancel the order and remove the entry target from the trade. In this case, instead of removing the order amount from the trade like the previous option, the order amount will now be redistributed among the remaining pending entry orders.

Take-profit orders - Cancelling and redistributing a take-profit order will cancel the order and remove it from the trade. In this case, instead of removing the order percent from the trade like the previous option, the order percent will not be redistributed among the remaining pending take-profit orders.

Move to current price

Selecting this option will move the order price to the current price.

Add order

To add a new order to the trade, click the "Plus" button next to the order type you wish to add.


Entry orders - Clicking the plus button next to the entry orders will open the Add Entry order modal:


Proceed to select your desired entry order price. Below, select the pair amount to be allocated to the new entry order. Please make sure to insert an amount that is between the minimum and maximum shown in bold at the top of the message.

Take-profit orders - Clicking the plus button next to the take-profit orders will open the Add Take-Profit order modal:


Proceed to select your desired take-profit order price. Below, select the trade amount ratio to be allocated to the new take-profit order. Please make sure to insert a valid ratio between 1% and 100%.

Please note that after adding a new take-profit order, the sum of all the take-profit orders ratios will need to be 100% in order to save the changes. This might mean you will need to reduce the ratio of the other take-profit orders in order to allow for the new order to be created.

Stop orders - Clicking the plus button next to the stop orders will open the Add Stop order modal:


Proceed to select your desired stop order price.

Please note that the plus button will only be clickable if the trade does not have an active stop order since Cornix only allows a single stop to be active for any given trade.

Add trade amount

To add an amount to the trade, click on the ellipsis button on the upper right corner of the trade details page.


You will be able to choose between two amount types - New Amount and Existing Amount:

New Amount - Selecting this option will allow you add an amount to the pending entry targets. The amount added will be divided between the pending entry targets according to the amount percentages for each target. For example, if there are three entry targets with the following percentages: 25%, 25% and 50% and the first target of 25% was already filled, then when adding the new amount to the trade the amount will be divided between the two remaining entry targets with percentages of 25% and 50%. Since the second remaining entry target have twice the percentage as the first, then the percentages will be normalized to 100% such that 33.33% of the added amount will be added the the first entry target (that originally had 25%), and the remaining 66.66% of the added amount will be added to the second entry target (that originally had 50%).

Existing Amount - If you have existing coins from the trade's symbol, you will have the option to select an existing amount to use in the trade. The existing amount selected for the trade will be immediately divided between the pending take-profit targets. When adding an existing amount, you will see a new entry order with the newly added amount. The new order will be created with a fulfilled status with the text "Existing Amount" in parenthesis next to it, as shown below:


Please Note

When editing a trade that was opened automatically, it will then be considered a 'manually opened' trade, and the auto-trading configuration will no longer apply on the edited trade.

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