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Updated over 2 years ago

In the Marketplace section, you can explore and view signal providers channels who integrated Cornix, get metrics on their performance and add a review for channels your are a member of.

This section will give you the tools to make an educated decision about the potentials channels out there and which would fit you best.


You can slide between the tabs at the top of this page and see which channels have just joined to our partners list and which have a free trial for new members!


Note that you can use the following accessorizes for your convenience:


You can click on the magnifying glass icon to search for a channel you are interested in.

In the marketplace section, you can filter the results by exchanges and price range.


Click on the filters icon at the top right corner and use the suggested filters in order to see the most relevant results for you.


The Exchanges filter allows you to choose which exchanges you want to display. All exchanges will be displayed by default.

The Price range filter allows you to choose the price you would like to pay for a signal channel. The entire range will be displayed by default.

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