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Signal Cancellation
Updated over 3 years ago

As admins you have the ability to, at any time, pull the plug on one of your signals. This will push the command to market sell to all your users that are actively following the signal, and have not a) opened the signal using the follow signal button b) edited the signal after it was opened.

Signal cancellation can be achieved again by one of two ways:

  1. Global signal cancellation (channel text)

  2. Specific signal cancellation (admin panel)

1) Global signal cancellation

To cancel a signal in this manner simply enter into your channel chat the words CLOSE / CANCEL / EXIT along with the running signal name. For example, in the signal in figure 1 we would cancel it with the text cancel BTCUSDT. Variations of this does not make a difference. It can be BTCUSDT or BTC.USDT or BTC/USDT. If a cancellation has been registered by the bot you will see an immediate follow up message as per below in figure 1.


Figure 1: A signal cancelled message

It's very important to note that this is called a global cancellation method for a reason. If there are multiple signals of BTCUSDT open at the point of typing this, all will be closed out. If you would rather target a specific signal then see option 2.

If you wish to cancel all of your open signals, type /close_all in your channel - this will close all of your open signals.

2) Specific signal cancellation

To cancel a signal in this manner one again has two options. The first borrows from the global cancellation in that it uses the text. Simply find the original signal you posted in the channel and then REPLY to it like you would any telegram message, and then enter the words CLOSE / CANCEL / EXIT and post. This will close out only that specific signal you have targeted. The second way is via the admin panel on the main menu. By entering the signals section you will be met with a list of all your open signals (see figure 2). While we are on the subject you will notice in the image that a lot of information is available at a quick glance about the signal. Coinpair, Time and date opened, (0 trades being the number of active followers that have it open) and (BTC 0) the value of invested funds users have in this signal.


Figure 2: The signal selection screen in Admin Panel

Selecting one of the signals in the list above will bring you another window with some more additional information (see figure 3). Here you can view to which clients the signal transmitted as well as if any of the order targets have been hit. If they hit they will have a green tick mark next to them (visible in a later image).


Figure 3: Inside a signal

Once inside this screen, you can click the CANCEL button and it will confirm with you before then cancelling just this specific signal for all auto-following users. Following this method will yield a different message to the channel, informing users that their signal was cancelled by the administrator.


Figure 4: Admin Panel Signal Cancellation

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