Add Cornix's IP addresses to the Binance list of trusted IPs to enhance the safety of your API keys and ensure they will not expire after a short duration.
If you haven't created a Binance account and API Keys using the 'Quick Connect' method yet - and wish to do so, follow these steps. This is the easiest way to automatically create encrypted and IP-restricted (whitelisted) API keys between Cornix and Binance.
If you've created a Binance account in the past (by using the quick connect feature or by manually creating the API Keys). You should update your API Keys with your list of Cornix's IPs. Click here for more information on how to get your list of Cornix's IPs.
Start by navigating to your Binance account and follow these steps:
Step 1 - Enter the API Management section
Step 2 - Choose your API Key and tap on 'Edit restrictions'
Step 3 - Insert IP Addresses and click on 'Save'
Important: You must add Cornix's IP addresses to the Binance list of trusted IPs as seen in the picture below. This is to enhance the safety of your API keys as well as ensure they will not expire after a short duration.
Once you click the 'Confirm' button, you're all set :)