How to connect your Telegram to your Cornix account
Eyad Tal avatar
Written by Eyad Tal
Updated over a week ago

Connecting your external account with Cornix will allow us to detect which Telegram channels or Discord servers you are a member of. Let's see how we can easily complete the connection after choosing your desired 'Trading Method'.

1) After connecting your exchange and choosing your trading method,

click on 'Connect Account'.

2) Choose between Telegram or Discord and tap on 'Get UUID'.

3) Tap on 'Connect Telegram' or send '/connect_web' to your Telegram bot, and you'll receive your UUID. Copy the code and paste it back into the text box.

4) Click on 'Connect to Telegram'.

5) Click on 'Get Code'. Go back to the Cornix Trading Bot, copy the code, and paste the code into the text box. In addition, enter your Cornix password and click on 'Continue'.

That's it, You're all set :)

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