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Anti-Leak 🛡️ ️

Protect your signals from potential leaks

Updated over a year ago

What is Anti-Leak?

Anti-Leak is a free Cornix feature that provides you with a layer of protection designed against malicious bots that intend to copy your channel's signals.

What do I need to do in order to activate the feature?

  1. You need to open a new Telegram channel for Anti-Leak.

  2. Add the Cornix Trading Bot and Cornix Group's bot (the same as on the main channel) and do not activate them.

  3. Provide Cornix support with your new Anti-leak channel ID (Click here to learn how to find your channel ID).

Once you completed all the steps and have set up a new Anti-Leak channel, you can start posting your signals.

How do I publish signals using Anti-leak?

With Anti-Leak activated, Signal Posting stays the same. The only thing that is slightly different is being able to send a raw text of a signal directly in the Anti-Leak channel and the signal will be published in your main channel.

  • Post raw text signals directly in the channel through your new Anti-Leak channel and they will be published in a censored version on your main channel.

  • Publish signals through the admin panel. When publishing signals through the admin panel you can use your main channel and it will be published in a censored version on your main channel (the Anti-Leak channel will not be visible to you on the admin panel since the bots are not activated).

Anti-Leak features:

Please note - in order to activate the features, you need to contact our support team and request to enable the desired feature.

Once a signal is published on the channel, it will have two follow buttons attached to it:

  1. View Signal

  2. Follow signal Action

This is what the user will see on the Cornix bot when clicking on the 'View Signal' on the channel.

Signal Captcha

If enabled, a Captcha will appear once the user clicks on 'View Signal' again.

After completing the captcha, the Signal is displayed as seen below:

Censor Details - Censor/Uncensor Symbol Name.

If enabled, this feature will allow you to censor the Symbol on the Signal and will only be displayed once the user unveils the signal.

How to get your Telegram Channel ID:

  1. Click on your channel

  2. Look at the URL and find the part that looks like

  3. Take the number alone, and add -100 at the beginning.

Now, this is your TG channel ID: -1001585255786

***if the channel URL does not show a number, (for example this is what you see:

you can try to change the letter to Z and then click enter. Then, you’ll see the number on the URL.

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