Before we start, we highly recommend using our Bitget Quick Connect for seamless integration with just one click and no hassle. This integration requires you to connect to your Bitget account and will create your API key automatically with the required permissions.
For manual API creation, follow these steps:
Step 1 - Connect to Bitget and Navigate to the API Keys Section
Connect to your Bitget exchange account, click the icon in the top right corner of the screen to open your account menu, and then click "API Keys" to access the API Keys section:
Step 2 - Create a New API Key and Set its Permissions
Click the "+ Create API Key" button
Choose "System-generated API key"
Set a Name, Passphrase and Permissions
Insert a Note\Name to your new key, set a Passphrase (save it somewhere as you need it to set your client in Cornix), and select the necessary permissions:
Futures - Orders and Holdings
Spot - Trade
Then click "Next".
Step 3 - Security Verification
To complete the security verification process, you'll receive a code via email (after clicking the "send" button). After that, you'll generate and enter the code from your Google Authenticator app:
Step 4 - Insert the Api Keys into your Cornix Account
Then copy the keys (Access APIKey and SecretKey) and insert them into the Cornix account to connect your account with Bitget. Read more on how to create an account.
That's it,
You're all set!